Online driving tutorials

Online driving tutorial - Overtaking

A-Class Driving School Tutorial | How to go about overtaking safely, quickly and efficiently come test day.

This driving tutorial is going to look into overtaking. Learning how to overtake is difficult as the number of situations that arise whilst learning are limited. So make sure you know the theory well, so when the opportunity arises, you're ready to overtake safely. 

A warning

This is probably the most dangerous manoeuvre you'll be tasked with when driving at any level. If you are travelling at 60 mph and there is a car coming towards you at 60 mph we have a closing speed 120 mph!

The chance of this happening come test day are remote. However, if you are travelling down a dual carriageway and there is a slow vehicle in front of you, you will be expected to make progress. Not doing so has resulted in failing tests before.

If you see any of these signs, do not overtake until it's safe. 

A-Class Driving School Tutorial | Road Signs

Safe, Legal, Convenient

There are three things you must ask yourself before attempting this move.

  1. Is it safe? What view do you have of the road? Are there any cars coming towards you? Is there a brow of a hill, junction or a bend coming up?
  2. Is it legal? Is there a crossing coming up? Do road markings say it's not allowed? What is the speed limit? Image B shows you a range of road signs where overtaking is not allowed.
  3. Is it necessary? Are you turning off soon? Will you be able to make any progress?

The procedure for this is M-P-S-L-M-S-M (P-S-L) -M-S.

How to overtake

Mirrors - Check your interior and right door mirror for anyone who could also be wanting to overtake.

Position - You need to position yourself behind the car in front so you can see ahead of you well, making sure nothing is coming towards you. Don't be too close. Being further back gives you a better view, but more distance to cover when getting past.

Speed - You need to match that of the car in front. Too close and you'll block your view of the road ahead.

Look - Take one more look around and down the road to make sure it's all clear.

Mirrors - Interior and right door mirror for cars trying to overtake.

Signal - Signal to let everyone, including the person in front, that you intend to overtake.

Manoeuvre - Position yourself to move around the car. Your speed needs to increase, get past the car as quickly and efficiently as possible. Looking ahead for any changes in the road; bends, junctions, cars.

Mirrors - Before moving back in, you need to check your mirrors, interior and left door mirror. You MUST be able to see the car in your interior mirror, otherwise you'll be too close to him.

Signal - Signal to the left to let everyone know you're moving back in.

Manoeuvre - Move back on to your side of the road and make progress.

The best place to practise this is on dual carriageways.

Watch Our Video - Help on Overtaking
A-Class Driving School Tutorial | Road Signs
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